Monday, October 31, 2011

Conteemporary art design auction Dorotheum vienna 22.11.2011 - Interlux chair by Manfred Kielnhofer

"Interlux Chair",
designed and manufactured by Manfred Kielnhofer, Austria, 2002/ 2010,
transparent and red fluorescent plexiglass, blue neon tubes, height 84
cm, width 88 cm, depth 90 cm . (DR) A unique piece out of a serie of
similar chairs. Reminiscent of American minimalist artist Dan Flavin's
fluorescent light sculptures, this unique chair literally lights up
the room. It is a composition of unique long neon lighting contained
in transparent tubes placed horizontally.

"Interlux Chair",
Entwurf und Ausführung Manfred Kielnhofer, Österreich 2002/ 2010,
Plexiglas, transparent und rot fluoreszierend, blaue Neonröhren, Höhe
84 cm, Breite 88 cm, Tiefe 90 cm . (DR) Unikat. Reminiscent of
American minimalist artist Dan Flavin s fluorescent light sculptures,
this unique chair literally lights up the room. It is a composition of
unique long neon lighting contained in transparent tubes placed
horizontally. (Mari Otberg)

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