Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Friday, January 1, 2021
Happy New Year 2021
To all Members & Contemporary art Lovers
Happy New Year @ WikipediArt Official !!!
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
How to Learn to Discover Yourself
Imagine waking up one morning and then realizing that you are sitting in your car while being all dressed up, showered, and drinking a hot cup of coffee. You may have no recollection of your conscious memory, about how any of this may have happened with you. We have evolved so many in the present era that we run into our day's complex routine procedures. It’s like that our mind is on autopilot mode, and our unconscious processes are so much faster, reliable, and more subtle than our conscious efforts, to comprehend and understand the world around us. As things revolve around us, we need to know much about ourselves to get through life as we know it.
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Life is not a Ride but a Journey
Life is not a ride where you can just jump on the driver’s seat and start your journey, deciding on where to go and where you need to be. It is a journey of unexpected turns and twists. You may never know where you might end up. Learning to discover yourself is essential because you would know who you want to be and what efforts you need to achieve by exploring yourself.
Importance of Discovering and Exploring Yourself
When you truly learn to discover and explore yourself, you know about your passion, what you want to achieve in your life, what career choices to make, what you are good at, and what skills you have to accomplish your goals. It can also help you understand the people you are comfortable with to spend your time. You can tell them about the things which you prefer talking about and give information about yourself. Knowing yourself can help you drive your motivation levels about new things in life and be comfortable. You can incorporate new information or let it go. You cannot change without knowing yourself, and you cannot live in a world of change without changing yourself for the better.
Taking on Life’s Challenges by Discovering Yourself
Life will throw all kinds of troubles and difficulties at you, but you need to maintain your resolve and focus. To know yourself can gain you better benefits in life. It can lead to the results which you want as you can make the choices which suit you best. You just need to make a bit of effort to know yourself better. You cannot guarantee that you are smart, strong, or good, no matter how much you peel off your personality layers. One thing is for sure. The more you know about yourself, the more you can explore the things you are good at, the more opportunities you can gain in life and make the best of them. Try to learn different parts of your personality and explore what you like to do that works out well. Therefore, you don’t have to know the stuff and put it on autopilot in your unconscious.
Try to learn more about yourself by reading my book ‘For my Legacy’ by Carole Feuerman. I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an artist. My Grandfather helped me realize my identity and my passion, and by learning my skills as an artist, I became a well-known and got where I am today. In my book, I try to motivate people on how they can know about themselves, just as I did, and by utilizing their passion and skills.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
A.Brentel - Contact for Collaboration - Art
IT. Benvenuto sul blog ufficiale di WikipediArt
e grazie per l'interesse dimostrato in questa
organizzazione e nella mia attività artistica.
Per una selezione di mie sole opere,
suggerisco il seguente link:
dove consiglio di scorrere sino a fondo
pagina, quindi fare click sulla piccola
scritta blu "Next Posts" (che si trova
in basso a destra sotto l'ultimo post)
per visualizzare ulteriori contenuti.
Altri miei lavori verranno pubblicati
a breve. Grazie ancora e buona visione!
EN. Welcome to WikipediArt official blog
and thank you for your interest in this
organization and in my artistic activity.
For a selection of my works only,
I suggest the following link:
where I recommend scrolling down to the
bottom of the page, then click the blue
writing "Next Posts" (that is below on
the right just under the last post) to
view more content. My other works will
be published soon. Thanks again and enjoy!
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My new sculpture, Eyes Open
My eyes were open once again, but now I saw things I’d never seen before. A pandemic worldwide, looting and breaking windows, violence against protestors, violence against the police, and the threat of American Democracy from a corrupt president and his followers from the far right, white supremacists, and the unthinkable now corrupt Republican Senate.
In Venice placing finishing touches on my monumental sculpture, Survival of Serena
Art is me, and I am art. I get physically sick when I don’t work. Bringing people together, inspiring, soothing and sharing: these are the powers of art, the importance of which has been made emphatically obvious during the Covid-19 pandemic.
A video interview in London during my solo exhibition at BelAir Fine Art
In January, I had a lot of deadlines, scheduled shows, and no time. Now I have time and no shows. How does an artist keep going when the gallery system that supports her seems on the verge of temporary collapse? Every curator, gallery director, and member of the art world seems to be home. I think the only benefit of this is that it’s time for a reset, a reprieve of the expectations that the art market puts on artists to produce, and to have and to share everything we make. I’m fine making work in my own bubble because I make art for myself, regardless of whether I show it or not.
Art Miami, 2019
The organized art world has responded beautifully to the lock-down and social-distancing protocols that are keeping people away from physical spaces. Art fairs like Art Basel and Art Dubai have gone online, and numerous galleries all over the world have responded to this new reality with online viewing rooms. The pandemic has closed museums and cancelled concerts, plunging many cultural institutions into uncertainty and immediate financial loss while also threatening a long-term effect on the arts.
At the Met, Pandemic Era
Ticket sales at museums account for a smaller percentage of total income than they do at opera houses or dance companies, yet already the carnage is mounting. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, with a princely endowment of $3.6 billion, has a projected loss of $100 million; institutions with smaller reserves are drawing down fast, and may never reopen. In a matter of days, the world of contemporary art went from a reverberate global network to a ghost town, sheltering in place as the coronavirus endangered our cities and our livelihoods. Like every other sector, art is having to go digital.
Video conferencing is the new norm
For artists, the show must go on, and Zoom is their venue.